Time to Improve
How Federal Policy Can Promote Better Prepared Teachers and School Leaders
Policy Paper

March 24, 2014
NOTE: New America’s recommendations for HEA Title II data collection and reporting have evolved over time, particularly with regard to connecting the data reported to specific consequences. For example, we no longer recommend using the results of HEA Title II data reports to determine a preparation program’s eligibility to offer TEACH grants.
For New America’s most up-to-date recommendations on HEA Title II, please see our newest brief on the topic, or reach out to tooley@newamerica.org.
While educator preparation has always been important, it is now more important than ever. Currently, there are more first year teachers in the United States than teachers of any other experience level—and at many schools, most of the teachers have only been teaching for a few years. Meanwhile, the skills and responsibilities expected of educators are expanding, as higher standards and new technologies are implemented to improve student learning.
While expectations for PreK-12 educators have changed substantially, many of the programs that prepare educators have remained stagnant. Much of the responsibility for this rests with the preparation programs themselves, but states and the federal government have each played a role as well.
In Time to Improve, New America’s Melissa Tooley and Laura Bornfreund offer recommendations for a new federal approach to addressing current issues with educator preparation and advancement policies that recognize the need to move quickly, yet thoughtfully, to promote better prepared teachers and school leaders.