[ONLINE] - Supporting Community College Students with Quality Jobs

Most community college students need to work, and nearly 40 percent work full time. Without this income, students cannot afford to stay enrolled and stop out, disrupting their education attainment and economic mobility. Yet not all jobs are created equal, and community college students deserve work opportunities that support them, connect to their learning, and fit their lives and schedules. An important strategy for helping students impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic recover and continue their educational journey is to create more opportunities for them to access high-quality, paid work experiences that are relevant to their course of study.
Following our recent publication of Federal Support for Subsidized Jobs at Community Colleges, we invite you to join the Center on Education & Labor at New America on October 7 for a discussion about why student jobs matter and which policies and strategies can facilitate better student access to these jobs.
Follow the conversation online using #CCstudentjobs and follow us at @NewAmericaEd.
Opening Remarks
Mary Alice McCarthy
Director, Center on Education & Labor at New America
Pam Eddinger
President, Bunker Hill Community College
Jee Hang Lee
Vice President for Public Policy and External Relations - Association of Community College Trustees
Ivy Love
Senior Policy Analyst, Center on Education & Labor at New America
Q & A and Closing Remarks
Iris Palmer
Senior Advisor for Higher Education and Workforce, New America