[ONLINE] - School-Community Partnerships for the Whole Child: Learning from Comprehensive Models
Webinar 2: Coordinate Comprehensive Services

The AASA (The School Superintendents Association), NAESP (the National Association of Elementary School Principals), CCSSO (Council of Chief State School Officers), EDC (Education Development Center), New America, and NAECS-SDE (the National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education) invite you to join us for a 4-part webinar series.
How can communities and states advance equity and build comprehensive approaches that promote whole child learning and development from birth through elementary school?
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed fundamental flaws in the systems that support children and families in the United States. Addressing these weaknesses is essential to ending racial injustice and addressing inequality. This is a moment in time to consider how we can best set up early childhood educators and professionals to be successful both during the pandemic and as we rebuild systems in its aftermath.
Join us for engaging discussions on advancing equity and promoting whole child learning and development from before birth through elementary school. We will learn from innovative models from around the country, including CPC P-3, First 10, Maryland’s Judy Centers, and Metro Omaha’s Birth through Grade 3 initiative, and from trailblazing communities, including Boston, MA, Lancaster, PA, Oakland, CA, Orlando, FL, Woonsocket, RI, Yakima, WA, rural Maine, and others.
Hear from principals, superintendents, program directors, local and state leaders, and other experts on how these models combine a focus on teaching and learning, deep family engagement, health and social service supports, and continuous improvement.
This second webinar will take place on Thursday, November 19th at 4 PM ET and will focus on the following topics:
- Providing children and family supports
- Organizing school-based and community-based hubs of health and social services
- Supporting trauma-informed practices
Lisa Early
Director of Families, Parks, and Recreation Department, City of Orlando
Katie Hernandez
Principal, George Washington Elementary (Lancaster, Pennsylvania)
Cameron Millspaugh
Principal, Cool Spring Elementary School (Adelphi, Maryland)
LaWanda Wesley
Director of Quality Enhancement & Professional Development, Early Childhood Education Department at Oakland Unified School District
Rolf Grafwallner (moderator)
Program Director, Council of Chief State School Officers, Washington, D.C.
For full panelist bios, click here.
Resources from the event:
-First 10 Brief
Check out the Child-Parent Center (CPC P-3) overview here.
Please use the links below to learn more about and register for the other webinars in the series:
Thank you to our partners: