[Online] How Can We Better Support Dual Language Learners with Disabilities?

Dually identified students–those who are both dual language learners (DLLs) and students with disabilities–are a woefully understudied population in early and elementary education. It is crucial that these students be identified for early intervention and special education programs that value their home languages and cultures to help set them on a strong educational trajectory. DLL students may experience challenges being referred for services due to the difficulty of discerning whether their academic difficulties stem from language proficiency or the presence of disabilities.
On Wednesday, June 12, please join the Early & Elementary Education program at New America for a webinar focused on the unique challenges young dually identified students and their families face. The first panel will examine the latest research and best practices on supporting dually identified students and provide a better sense of who and where these students are; a second panel will feature parents and family members of dually identified students to share their personal stories and ideas for improved policy support.
Sara Kangas, Associate Professor and Program Director, Special Education Program, Lehigh University
Panel One: What Does the Research Say?
Moderator: María Cioè-Peña, Assistant Professor, Educational Linguistics Division, University of Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Burr, Senior Research Associate, Research-Practice Partnerships, WestEd
Lillian Durán, Professor, College of Education, Special Education, University of Oregon
Claudia Rinaldi, The Joan Weiler Arnow ’49 Professor/Professor of Education, Chair of Education, Lasell University
Panel Two: What Do Families of Dually Identified Students Want?
Moderator: María Cioè-Peña, Assistant Professor, Educational Linguistics Division, University of Pennsylvania
Paola Jordan, Director, Metropolitan Parent Center, Sinergia Inc.
Eliana Tardio Hurtado, Program Associate II, Special Education Policy and Practice, WestEd
Closing Remarks
Glenna Wright-Gallo, Assistant Secretary, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Department of Education
Resources from New America:
- How Are Multilingual Children Referred for Special Education Evaluation?
- New Survey Highlights Need for More Funding and Diversity in EI/ECSE Workforce
- English Learners with Disabilities: Shining a Light on Dual-Identified Students
- Multilingual Paraprofessionals: An Untapped Resource for Supporting American Pluralism
Resources from the U.S. Department of Education:
- OSEP Fast Facts: Students With Disabilities Who Are ELs Served Under IDEA Part B
- English Learners with Disabilities Fact Sheet
- Newcomers Toolkit
- Policy Letter: November 15, 2021 — Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- Training and Information for Parents of Children with Disabilities
- Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in the Classroom
- Pyramid Model
- Tool Kit on Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
- Applicant Information - Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE): OESE has two new centers (Center for English Learners and Multilingual Students and Early School Success) that are open for application through June 24th as part of the Comprehensive Center 5-year technical assistance grant program.
- Office of Discretionary Grants & Support Services - Office of Elementary and Secondary Education: OESE has grants that support dually identified learners, including Teach Quality Partnerships Program, Comprehensive Literacy State Development Program, and Education Innovation and Research (EIR) Program Grants.