Reimagining Measurement Tools and Data Systems to Improve Pre-K Outcomes

March 13, 2023
Educators need reliable information to better understand children’s early experiences and decision-makers need accurate data to make worthwhile investments in early learning. Strengthening pre-K measurement tools, data systems, curricula, and instructional supports can play a critical role in improving kindergarten readiness outcomes for children, especially Black and Latino children and children experiencing poverty.
Currently, the early education field lacks measurement tools and data systems that prioritize equity and are reliable, free from bias, value cultural and linguistic diversity, and easy for teachers to use. Educators deserve improved tools to help them accurately measure a child’s early development and then easily share that information with families. For the past year, New America’s Early & Elementary Education Policy program has been focused on different methods for improving pre-K outcomes through improved data and assessments. Below we have curated work related to pre-K assessment and data systems, including reports, blog posts, events, and other resources. We will continue to update this page to provide writing and resources that reflect what we are learning over the next year.

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