Tyler S. Bugg

Tyler S. Bugg was Associate Director of New America NYC, New America's flagship hub in the New America National Network.

Prior to joining the New America, Tyler was a programs director for Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc), a Lower East Side-based arts leadership organization, and has served in positions with the United States Congress, Teach For America, Obama for America, and the Georgia Political Review. In 2012, he was named the Millennial Values Fellow with Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, and in 2013, he was named the recipient of the Postgraduate Research Prize at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts.

In addition to his public service experience, Tyler has produced and directed several theatre and dance performance works in New York, throughout the East Coast, and in Puerto Rico. His writing as appeared in Pacific Standard, TIME, Salon, and Mic, among other publications.

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Comparative Politics from the University of Georgia and a Master’s degree from the Center for Art and Public Policy at New York University. He serves on the advisory board of Change Matters, an anti-hunger advocacy organization in New York.