Randa Slim

Senior Middle East Fellow, International Security Program

Randa Slim is a research fellow with the International Security Program. She works and publishes on regional and international issues of the Middle East as well as issues of democratization in the Arab world. A former vice president of the International Institute for Sustained Dialogue, Slim has also been a senior program advisor at the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, a guest scholar at the United States Institute of Peace, and a program officer at the Kettering Foundation.

She has consulted for a number of international and US governmental and private sector organizations including USAID, UNDP, and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. In the 1990s, she was involved in conflict prevention and management activities in Central Asia working in Tajikistan and the Ferghana Valley. Since 2001, Ms. Slim has developed and managed a number of projects in the Middle East focusing on democratization and peace-building. She is the co-director of the Middle East Dialogue, a regional Track II dialogue focusing on emerging political and security dynamics in the Middle East with a strong focus on Syria. She is the co-founder of the Arab Network for the Study of Democracy, a group of academics and civil society activists from eight Arab countries. She is a member of the advisory committee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund's Peace-building program and a former board member of the Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED).

Slim is the author of a number of articles and book chapters on Central Asia, the Middle East, dialogue processes, conflict prevention and peace-building. She is working on a book about Hizbullah’s domestic and regional politics.

Ms. Slim earned her BS and MA degrees at the American University of Beirut and completed her PhD at the University of North Carolina.