Rep. Eshoo, Sen. Booker Introduce Bill to Boost Community Broadband Networks
In The News Piece in Broadband Communities Magazine

Photo by Bhargav Nunna on Unsplash
April 21, 2023
OTI is mentioned in a Broadband Communities Magazine article about the recent introduction of the Community Broadband Act, with the article citing OTI’s finding on the benefits of community-owned ISPs and naming OTI as one of the organizations endorsing the Community Broadband Act.
A recent study from New America's Open Technology Institute found that community-owned ISPs offer higher speed and lower prices for users than incumbent ISPs.
The Community Broadband Act is endorsed by the following organizations:
National Association of Counties
Consumer Reports
Utilities Technology Council
National League of Cities
Fiber Broadband Association
Common Cause
United States Conference of Mayors
American Public Power Association
Schools, Health & Libraries Broadband (SHLB) Coalition
National Digital Inclusion Alliance
Fiber Optic Sensing Association
National Association of Telecommunications Officers & Advisors
Next Level Networks, Inc.
Accelerator for America
New America's Open Technology Institute
Center for Democracy and Technology
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