Total Eclipse of the Net: The End of Net Neutrality?

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released a draft of its controversial Order that would repeal the 2015 Open Internet Order. These rules prohibit internet service providers from blocking or throttling websites, and from using their gatekeeper power to extort payments from online companies for faster connections to their customers, a practice known as “paid prioritization.” The rules ensure the internet remains an open platform to enable Americans to engage in online commerce, access services crucial to their work, education, entertainment, healthcare, and organize and engage politically.
These rules are now on the chopping block—the FCC’s Order, set for a vote at its December open meeting, will strip the Commission of its legal jurisdiction over internet service providers. In doing so, it wipes away the three key net neutrality rules, leaving only minimal transparency requirements in place.
Everyone from small business owners, internet companies, and everyday Americans rely on a free and open internet. This order will significantly affect Americans' internet access, and will have particular impacts on historically marginalized communities. Join us as we discuss the future of the net neutrality rules.
Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.), @USRepMikeDoyle
U.S. Representative for Pennsylvania's 14th Congressional District
Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Communications and Technology Subcommittee
Angie Kronenberg
Chief Advocate and General Counsel, INCOMPAS
Sarah Morris, @sarmorris
Open Internet Policy Director, Open Technology Institute at New America
Hal Singer, @HalSinger
Adjunct Professor, Georgetown's McDonough School of Business
Senior Fellow, GW Institute of Public Policy
Principal, Economists Inc.
Gloria Tristani, @GloriaTristani
Special Policy Advisor, National Hispanic Media Coalition and former FCC Commissioner
Matt Wood, @mattfwood
Policy Director, Free Press
Rob Pegoraro, @robpegoraro
Freelance Reporter
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