Older New Yorkers Have Huge and Growing Need for English Classes

Article/Op-Ed in City Limits
Oct. 10, 2018

Dorian Block wrote for City Limits about New York City's older population, and their need for English classes. This article is part of RiseLocal, a project of New America's National Network.

Yumei Wang, 79, has a modest dream. She would, for the first time in her adult life, like to open her mail and understand what the words on the paper mean.
Wang came to New York from China when she was 18 years old and worked as a nanny for many years. She relied on her husband’s English, and then later her son’s, otherwise staying in Chinatown herself. Wang’s son is now grown and lives independently, and her husband died last year. On top of Wang’s grief are piles of worry about accomplishing daily tasks like writing her rent check and paying her cable bill without understanding them or knowing how to write in English.