[EVENT VIDEO] - What Residents Need To Know: A Chat with the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus

The Indiana Black Legislative Caucus (IBLC), Indianapolis Recorder, and New America Indianapolis are committed to ensuring that the perspectives of minority residents in the Midwest are represented and engaged in solving public problems. We are partnering to offer a series of online public forums to engage Black and Brown Hoosiers, updating residents on: recent legislative and regulatory changes; the state of minority residents in Indiana; and issues related to COVID-19 recovery. Join us for one of two sessions to hear directly from members of the IBLC and lend your voice to this important conversation. Please share your ideas for policy change directly with the Caucus at iblc@iga.in.gov.
The Indiana Black Legislative Caucus is comprised of the 13 African-American members of the Indiana House of Representatives and Indiana State Senate. It is focused on initiatives that promote social and economic opportunity for minority residents.
New America is a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank. New America Indianapolis focuses on resident-centered problem-solving in the Midwest through a racial justice lens.
The Indianapolis Recorder is one of the nation's leading Black newspapers. It celebrates its 125th anniversary this year.
Thank you to our community partners: the Indianapolis Urban League, the Indiana chapters of the NAACP, the Indiana Minority Health Coalition, Indiana Black Expo, and InnoPower.