[ONLINE] - Debate: We All Need to Rush Back to the Office

Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase’s chairman and CEO, is sick of Zoom calls. He’s told his employees to start getting ready to return to the office this summer, and to learn to deal with their commutes again.
Other CEO’s, like Jack Dorsey of Twitter, are of a different mind. Just two months into the pandemic, Twitter announced that it was allowing many of its
employees to work remotely forever.
So, which is better? Are you ready to head back into the office, or would you rather work from home forever? How should companies handle the long-anticipated—and in some cases dreaded—return to the office? Do we ever need to revert back to the old 9-5 model?
Join us at 12:15 pm on June 16th for the first event of our hybrid futures summer series, where we’ll debate the pros and cons of returning to office life and imagine flexible work policies companies might consider enacting after the pandemic.
Katherine J. Wu, @KatherineJWu
Staff Writer, The Atlantic
Stance: Back to the office
Henry Grabar, @henrygrabar
Staff Writer, Slate
Stance: Back to the office
Brigid Schulte, @BrigidSchulte
Director, Better Life Lab at New America
Stance: Let's WFH
Dr. Ashley Whillans, @ashleywhillans
Assistant Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Stance: Let's WFH
Andrés Martinez, @andresDCmtz
Editorial Director, Future Tense
Follow the conversation online using #BacktotheOffice and following @FutureTenseNow.