Annual Report 2021

In 2021, New America’s researchers, changemakers, technologists, and storytellers continued their work to lift up effective, inclusive policy solutions to solve some of today’s biggest challenges.

We brought our vision for centering families in the design and delivery of economic policies; accelerating the growth of equity-focused youth apprenticeship programs; identifying critical gaps to address new security threats; building greater resilience to misinformation; increasing Americans’ participation in their own governance; imagining a better childcare system; and so much more.

And, we continued on our racial equity transformation journey and charted the path forward for the next five years through an ambitious strategic vision.

If, in 2021, you joined one of our 200 virtual gatherings; read one of our many reports, briefs, or blog posts; partnered with or supported us, we thank you. We look forward to engaging you in more ways in the years ahead.