[ONLINE] - Building Community and Safety from Domestic Violence During COVID-19

New America CA and the San Francisco Department on the Status of Women have partnered to host a live streamed town hall to discuss how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted domestic violence survivors.
Staying at home is helping stop the spread of COVID-19, but what happens when home itself is not safe? As millions across the nation have been sheltering in place, domestic violence has been on rise.
Join us on Tuesday, May 19th at 5:00 PM PDT for a conversation with local and statewide experts to discuss how COVID-19 has impacted domestic violence survivors and how you can help. There are those in our community uniquely impacted by the shelter in place order and heightened economic stress. Despite the relief actions put into motion by elected officials, many existing relief programs do not take the disproportionate impact on these members of our communities into account.
We’ll share the latest on how we can address issues impacting women and girls in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic – and how we can all ensure a healthy and safe community for all.
Registration is free and open to all.
Julia Arroyo, @YoungWomenFree
San Francisco Site Director, Young Women’s Freedom Center
Kathy Black, @LaCasaSF
Executive Director, La Casa de las Madres
Sonya Passi, @PassiSonya
Founder and CEO, FreeFrom
Autumn McDonald, @Autumn_McDo
Senior Fellow & Head of New America CA
Debbie Mesloh, @debmesloh
Commissioner, San Francisco Commission on the Status of Women
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