Why Parkland could be a turning point for gun control

Article/Op-Ed in Vox
Feb. 21, 2018

Lee Drutman wrote about the differences with the new gun reform movement following the Parkland shooting on Vox

Another mass shooting. Another round of “thoughts and prayers.” Another outpouring of facts and figures about how gun violence is out of control in the United States. Another round of recriminations about how Washington is under the thumb of the powerful gun lobby and won’t do anything to enact “commonsense” gun regulation. And finally, another round of wondering: If not this tragedy, then what will it take?
But while it all feels frustratingly familiar, the politics of gun reform are changing.
  1. The sources of the National Rifle Association’s power are weakening, and genuine organizational muscle on behalf of gun reform is emerging.
  2. The hinge points in our national politics are shifting in ways that are could work for, rather than against, gun reform. The key “swing” areas are now more and more upscale communities, where the shooting in Parkland, Florida, is most likely to resonate.
  3. The high school students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School have emerged as uniquely powerful voices for gun control.
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