Alyssa Sims

Alyssa Sims was a​ ​policy analyst ​with the International Security Program at New America.​ Considered a leading expert on the U.S. drone program and drone proliferation​, ​​she has been asked to comment on military drone proliferation, Somalia drone strikes, and terrorism related issues for several publications including CNN, PBS Newshour, and the New Yorker.​ She has co-authored reports on ISIS in the west and terrorism in the digital age. Her data projects have been cited in the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN, among other publications, and her own writing has appeared in ​​Foreign Policy, ​​Time, ​​The Diplomat, ​​Pacific Standard, and the New America Weekly.​

Sims is a former assistant editor of Foreign Policy's South Asia Channel. ​​Before joining New America, Sims worked as a strategic research analyst in the Office of the President at Arizona State University, her alma mater,​ ​and has held internships in​ both​ local and federal government.​ She received her bachelor's degree​ in 2015​ in business​,​ with a concentration in global politics​,​ and a minor in Arabic studies. She also received a certificate for studies on religion and conflict.​ While at ASU, she was the recipient of a National Security Education Program (NSEP) scholarship to study Arabic language and culture in Amman, Jordan.