Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Bring High Speed Wireless to Rural America

In The News Piece in The Hill
Aug. 1, 2017

OTI and Wireless Future's Michael Calabrese was quoted in The Hill's article on the bipartisan effort to improve wireless networks in underserved rural areas of the United States by freeing up bands of spectrum:

“Senators Gardner and Hassan deserve credit for proposing an ambitious spectrum pipeline bill that recognizes America’s wireless future will require opening access to substantially more unlicensed, licensed and shared spectrum,” said Michael Calabrese, director of New America's Wireless Future Program.
Calabrese critiqued Gardner and Hassan’s bill, though, for focusing too much on a one-time auction of spectrum that wireless broadband can be distributed on. He contended that this would not be as effective as opening as other, additional underutilized bands of spectrum.