[ONLINE] - Free Speech Project: Do We Need a First Amendment 2.0?

The digital era is challenging the way we think about free speech. The vision of an open “marketplace of ideas" in which worthy speech vanquishes obnoxious speech is criticized by some as a Utopian dream. As harmful speech proliferates online, we are left with core questions about the costs of "unfettered" speech and what it takes for speech to be "free." What structures and limits are needed to allow our “free speech” ideals to flourish? And what is the role and relevance today of the First Amendment, given that our speech rights are almost exclusively curated not by government officials, but by private platforms continuously exhorted to ban bad speech and bad speakers?
Anne-Marie Slaughter, @SlaughterAM
CEO, New America
Author of The Chessboard and the Web: Strategies of Connection in a Networked World
Geoffrey R. Stone, @stone_geoffrey
Edward H. Levi Distinguished Service Professor of Law, The University of Chicago
Neil Richards, @neilmrichards
Koch Distinguished Professor in Law, Washington University School of Law
Director, Cordell Institute for Policy in Medicine & Law
Jennifer Daskal, @jendaskal
Professor and Faculty Director, Tech, Law, & Security Program at American University Washington College of Law
Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, @ProfCiara
Professor of Law, Stetson University
Daphne Keller, @daphnehk
Director, Program on Platform Regulation, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford University
Follow the conversation online using #2ndFirstAmendment and by following @FutureTenseNow. The Free Speech Project is in partnership with the Tech, Law & Security Program at American University Washington College of Law: