Trump’s Win Leaves Obama’s Higher Education Reforms in Doubt

In The News Piece in Washington Post
Evan El-Amin /
Nov. 9, 2016

Alexander Holt was quoted in the Washington Post about potential higher education policies instituted by President Trump:

Alexander Holt, an education-policy analyst at the New America Foundation, said Trump will probably change the terms of his repayment plan and could institute automatic payroll deduction to streamline the process. He suspects that the president-elect may adopt some elements of former Florida governor and onetime GOP presidential candidate Jeb Bush’s higher education platform, such as providing high school graduates access to a $50,000 line of credit to pay for college and holding colleges accountable by forcing them to pay up when their students default on loans.

Holt and other higher-education experts agree that some of the most significant policy changes in a Trump administration would be the repeal of regulations targeting for-profit colleges. The president-elect is embroiled in lawsuits and fraud claims tied to his defunct Trump University, a for-profit venture that offered business seminars. What’s more, Trump has railed against government regulation squeezing business interests, aligning with popular rhetoric espoused by the for-profit-college industry.