Launching Early Ed News Clips

Blog Post
Sept. 19, 2011

The stories of schools, early learning programs, administrators, teachers, parents and students can – and should – inform education policymaking.  But those stories are often buried in the tumult of larger news events each day. That’s why we’ve launched a new clips service.  We will bring these stories to your email inbox each day.  Our aim is to collect headlines from around the country about issues that affect the learning and development of young children from birth up through third grade.

Some of you may already be receiving clips with headlines about pre-k from Pre-K Now, an advocacy organization, which distributes Pre-K Now Newsclips.  The organization is set to close at the end of this year.  Our hope is that our news clips service can fill one of the holes left by its absence and expand the reach of early childhood news gathering to younger (0-3) and older children (5-8 year olds).

To sign up for Early Ed News Clips, as well as the bi-weekly Early Ed Watch newsletter, visit our sign-up page